Sunday, July 3, 2016


Freedom; noun - the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint to oneself and/or to others. When it comes to high performance vehicles of any genre - be it muscle cars, rat rods, or any custom hot rod build - freedom can be a tough exercise to execute even if you own the rig you're restoring, or modifying, or building. I can remember when I owned a '79 Chevy C-10 and it was finally time to paint it. It took me a year to figure out the paint scheme and colors I wanted and after that, it took several friends and myself nine months to pull it off in our spare time - but it was all worth it. However, if I had a dollar for every piece of free advise, or suggestion, or recommendation, I could take 2 weeks vacation from work... and that was just on the paint job. Some people were upset that I didn't use all Chevy colors (only the orange was a Corvette color) or that I didn't paint it Hugger Orange like everyone else did. The kicker was, after I sold it, there were about 4-5 other trucks rather similar to it...

I received similar "guidance" in regards to the engine, transmission, tires, and wheels, but nothing compared to when I totally customized the interior. Many people didn't understand what I was doing while it was in process, but when it was finished, they loved it. However, there were some who hated it - and sternly advised me to change it back to stock. The picture to the left is very close to what I did, minus the seats, as I've lost most of the pictures taken back then to a massive computer crash. I've always been one to follow the "dare to be different" mode. Think about it - if we all did the same thing when it came to our hot rods, where would be be? It's a rabbit hole I do not wish to venture down.

I belong to several photography groups on Facebook, and the two I post to the most involve cars as well as other objects and landscapes that just reek of rust, patina, or that are weathered, etc. I think this one reason why, as I've noted before, I am so attracted to beaters and vintage Detroit iron that has been graced by patina.
While a beautifully restored muscle car or street rod will ring my bell, one that is original with patina and is weathered, will ring a whole bunch of them. I find myself, especially at photo shoots at car shows and cruise-ins, gravitating towards the rusty stuff. In fact, at the last two cruise-ins I attended, there were guys with pickups and flatbeds that offered far-from-pristine vintage car parts for sale. It ranged from flat-head Ford valve covers to an early 50's Olds Rocket 88 hood. I shot more pictures of the wares they were selling than any other vehicle. Needless to say, it made for interesting, but cool, conversation. It's freedom to photograph what I want.

I was reading an article this weekend about how a guy came to own and modify a 1929 Dodge Gasser style hot rod. While the 3" chop was already done and it was a very solid foundation to work with, it did not have an engine or transmission, as well as zero floor boards... and I mean nothing. However, the article went on to say that he had the freedom to built it the way he wanted to. In fact, he used a ton of miscellaneous other parts and cobbled together a ride where the end result was extremely reet. 

I also had a chance to watch Havana Motor Club via iTunes download. In a nutshell, this documentary tells the story of Cuba's vibrant underground drag racing community that's pretty much been in existence for the past 55+ years. While a great deal is spoken in Spanish, you don't need an interpreter to follow or relate to this movie. In a socialist country that, for the most part is rather poor, the ingenuity and the dare to be different mentality can be mind boggling. Many racers and mechanics make their own parts. Another racer uses an engine that he recovered from the ocean floor that was used in a ship that used to smuggle Cubans to America. Not every vehicle is pristine or American. But that doesn't matter - it can't. It is a true "united we stand, divided we fall" type situation. These people create freedom where there is little to none. 

Live, engage, and be grateful for your freedoms, people. And those freedoms don't include ridiculing  and/or mocking others negatively who don't happen to agree with you. That's not utilizing your freedom... that's you being an asshole. 

Until next time, peace out.

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