Sunday, April 22, 2018

We Hate Change & We Hate The Way Things Are

I don't know who coined that phrase about society in general, but if I ever get the chance to meet that person, I will warmly shake their hand. Why? Because nothing could be closer to the truth. I've been cruising the classifieds lately, not only for a possible replacement for my wife's daily driver, (it's starting to get a little finicky for her liking at 210,000 miles), but also the possibility of another go-fast ride for myself, as I'm currently without one at this juncture. My wife and I agreed that we really don't want to spend a great deal of money on her replacement. Her current ride we pulled out of a snowbank three years ago for $500 from a family friend, and while we've done some repairs over the years at the shop where I work, we have racked up well over 50K miles and it's been a decent car. It's not perfect, but hey, what used car is?

The problem I'm running into in 2018, is that it seems like vehicles (or at least 90% of them) that are $2000 or less are absolute junk. They've been sitting since last August, (when the registration and inspection sticker ran out), but the vehicle will run when certain parts are replaced, (which by the way are dirt cheap at Auto Zone), and even though I can see numerous problems with the vehicle, even with the crappy cell-phone thumbnails that have been posted, the car will pass a state inspection no problem. I haven't even called these people yet, and they're already lying. Now - do I need to come to the realization that this is just the way things are and I hate the changes that have occurred in the past few years? Or, are my convictions correct, that the seller is hard up for money for whatever reason, and is hoping a sucker with zero knowledge of automobiles comes along to lay down their hard earned cash and run for the hills?

A friend of mine went through a similar experience back in 2012 when he purchased a rough 1965 Galaxie 2-door hardtop. He's owned several example before, so he's very knowledgeable about them. He traveled down to Pennsylvania to look at one that seemed to fit his criteria; in addition to the 2-door hardtop aspect, it was also had the original big block engine and 4-speed transmission. He knew from the pictures that the front grille, headlights, and bumper were missing - he was okay with that - he had those parts in his garage from previous projects. Considering the interior had 50+ years of use, it actually wasn't in bad shape. When he arrived however, the vehicle looked like it had been sitting outside in the same spot for quite some time, not just the "few months" the seller described. When my friend mentioned to the seller that he needed to move the car from it's present resting spot to get a better look underneath, the seller strongly objected. He finally reasoned with the guy by showing him the cash he had in hand to purchase the Ford - never mind he brought three other friends and his trailer along with him.

After viewing the underside of the Galaxie, my friend still purchased the car, but for 75% less than the seller's asking price, because the car needed shitloads of metal-work. This, of course, was a complete surprise to the seller stating that the car was in good shape (and running) when he parked it. Fast forward a few years to the Spring of 2017. The car is now done. However, it is heavily modified from it's original state. To add some intrigue to this story, here's a few discovered tidbits that happened over those five years; One, the Galaxie was indeed a factory big block car - optioned with the 427 side oiler V-8. It was an original 4-spped vehicle, even though the original top-loader was long gone. Be that as it may, my friend did not restore it to factory original. Why? Because even after looking underneath the vehicle prior to purchasing it, there were still sins that were hidden. The vehicle was just too far gone. It was actually way easier and cheaper in the long run to install an after-market frame, suspension, brakes, and drivetrain, rather than to chase down 1965-era parts. The paint isn't even a factory color. The only remnant of what the Dearborn Michigan manufacturer installed back in 1965 is the interior.

When he brings the finished rig to a car show in May 2017, this Ford is right. It's got looks, cake-loads of power, handling and braking. You could even say, it easily rivals many new luxury cars. He parks it in with other similar era Galaxie's and large Ford vehicles. He happens to park next to a guy who had a for sale sign on the windshield of his 352-powered 1965 Galaxie. My friend shuts off the motor and pops the hood. Numerous people fall to their knees in awe of the work that was done to this car, especially when they view the photo scrapbook of pictures my friend has taken. The odd thing is, the guy next to him seems pissed. That's because he is. When there's a break in the crowd, he tells my friend that "... he's bringing down the value of these vehicles by modifying it." My friend explains that was his opinion, but also the fact that the car was in too hard of shape to bring back to original. Besides, it was his ride, his money, he could essentially do what he wanted with it. He then wished him the best of luck selling his ride and walked away.

Different perspectives; my friend loved how his Galaxie turned out. Another person, for whatever reason, didn't like it. I will admit that even though sometimes I don't like change, I am better at adjusting and adapting to it. As to the way things are, well... give me some time and I'll get back to you on that one.

Until next time, peace out.

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